Saturday, April 11, 2009

I was.. wild. Or reckless?

I waited until we reached the southern plains but tonight I would wait no more. I had to do this, I had to prove it to myself, to Trayu.. and even a little bit to Fonce. I do not want to be seen as helpless, not completely. I know I need help, I know I cannot do everything on my own but.. I also know that I should always be ready to do it all on my own. Because nothing in this world is promised to us.

Once Lei was sleeping, her cheeks still pale but her strength slowly coming back, I left her tucked safely into the furs. I was quiet as I stepped down into the dust. I did not want to disturb Oren or Mezoos family. Silver seemed to sense what was going on and watched me warily as I neared. “Shh. It is only me, you great brute, Only me.” I spoke to him softly but his gaze never softened.. I was the enemy, and he was still waiting for Trayu. What a poor substitution I was!

He let me climb into the saddle once I secured it and he had the sense to remain nearly silent. He seemed, honestly, to understand what we were about to do. Only the sound of his great clawed feet were heard as we slipped past the wagons. I held my breath as we passed Fonces wagon. I did not really think Fonce would actually stop me but I knew he cared enough to follow me. Maybe cared was too strong a word.. perhaps I should say he would be amused enough to want to watch. The idea made me chuckle and relaxed my shoulders as we neared the stream.

And suddenly Silver was running. I was not ready and threw myself forward, clutching the reigns and swearing at him. He only ran faster, ignoring my commands not matter how loud I shouted them. He was being a horrible hateful beast. We tore past the stream, his great feet sent up splashes of water so big that they soaked the leather pants I wore, shrinking the material to my body.

“Silver!” I screeched.. I admit it, I screeched like a little girl. I felt like a little girl. We rode hard, past the outriders as they shouted at me to stop and gave chase immediately. I was glad, in the moment that they might stop Silver but as a spear flew past us to the right I was much less glad.. “Silver!” I shouted into the wind, my braid was dancing wildly behind me and suddenly.. he stopped. That damned animal did it on purpose.. he threw me over his head, taking care to dip his head down to give me plenty of room to sail over him and land on my back in the grass. The breath left my lungs and everything went black.. I saw stars that grew rapidly and turned my vision pure white.

Thats the last thing I remember until some time later.. a man was carrying me, speaking to thew others. “She is the woman of Trayu and belongs to Fonce the Warrior.” He was telling the others. I did not recognize him but then.. his edges were all fuzzy. I wanted to tell him, and tell him loudly, that I did not belong to anyone but I was too tired to speak, too tired to argue and my head was exploding every time I breathed in. I could feel blood in my hair and groaned. “She is awake!” The man who carried me said happily. I felt something wet and soft on my cheek and forced my eyes open...and then.. I nearly died.

Silver was licking me. He ran his fat tongue over my cheek and then nuzzled my shoulder. The man laughed and rubbed Silver behind his ear. I could have sworn I heard Trayu laughing in the sky and I smiled, letting my eyes close again.

Fonce could be mad, Magda could shout, the healers could tell me I was foolish.. it would all be worth it. I had gotten though to Silver, hadn't I? I thought so. The beast continued to lick at me (though maybe he was just enjoying the taste of my blood) as the rider carried me back on his own saddle. I slipped in and out of consciousness all the way back but .. I was happy.

And I knew I would do it all again.

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