Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh! Magic boots!

A few hands ago we found the prettiest pair of little girl boots on our steps. Yamka had made them and I couldn't have been more pleased. Lei giggled as she tried them on and they came up a little too high, but I was glad for that, they would last though the next season. Lei twirled in the boots and immediately twisted her ankle, landing with a soft, bouncy, thump in the dust. “ooph!” My breath caught in my throat as it always did when my child stumbled and fell, but I did nothing. I had learned years ago that if I made a big deal out of it.. so would she.

Hate these boots! Hate these feet! Hate this stupid ground!” I heard her mutter, her thick curls swaying in the wind. I laughed softly, I couldn't help myself.

“Little Lei I think I know what the problem is..” I walked over to her, my skirt licking at my ankles. My own boots, well worn and cozy, came to meet hers before I crouched down. She looked up at me dubiously.

These boots are broken Mama.” She declared. She rarely called me anything but a serious sounding 'mother' so I knew she was quiet upset. She stuck out her left foot and I took it in my hands, cradling her heel.

“These must be Magic Boots.” I said it quietly, my eyes a little wide and she looked up at me, her own eyes widening. “Like the Hairyspecs?” I swallowed my own giggles, this was no time for a speech lesson. “Yes, just like theirs. You have to break them in more carefully then other boots or else they will get grumpy and trip you up.” I ran my fingers over the top of the boot and gently set it down before reaching to help her to stand again. She brushed off her pink shift and looked down at her boots, twisting them this way and that. I said nothing, letting her soak up my latest little mother trick.

Does Fonce have Magic boots?”

“Of course he does.”

And Mezoo?”

“I am sure of it.”

She smiled then and took a little hop. “Maybe Imke should have magic boots too!” And before I could answer she was running off to find the little jit. I smiled watching her. Another crisis averted. I suppose life.. does go on. I shall have to thank Yamka personally soon.

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