Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To market, To market....

Pei was the lucky guy who got elected (drafted?) into taking me to the markets. I had considered going alone for about a second. I was eager to see the Turians and trade, yes. But this did not mean I was there to make friends or that I trusted them. Once I would have laughed at the idea of someone snatching a pregnant woman to enslave her in the city but that was before Fonce made his silly little 'twofer' joke. With pretty little Lei at my hip we were totally a buy one get two free group of cuteness. So I asked for an escort. I was glad it was not Fonce, who had far too much sense to be a good shopping partner. I could just imagine how that would go..

"Oh Fonce look! A pink blanket!"

Fonce would be busy looking at some half naked slut or glaring down young Turian Warriors. "How many blankets do you really need Asria?" Without even looking.

And I would mutter and agree and put the blanket back.

So not fun!

So when Pei showed up to escort me I was pleased as punch to hook my arm in his and let Lei dance around him, telling him of all the awesome things she was going to get and how their names sounded the same, like one of my poems or riddles. Pei was good with my daughter, with most kids actually. All of our goods to trade were piled high on his Kaila but out of deference to me he led the beast by the reigns.

We reached the markets early and I could hardly contain myself. Lei was antsy as I held her hand too tightly, She wanted to run off and touch things, pick them up and gasp.. much like I did actually. Most of the morning was quiet.. we sampled a few interesting dishes being sold.. Steamed meat wrapped up in the husk of a vegetable with a heavy, spicy sauce. Frozen shaved ice with colored syrups pored over the top and held in paper cups that fell apart and let the colored juice run down your arm. We ate fried things and raw things and sipped exotic teas and fresh milks. I bought some flaky pasty like bread to bring back to Astar and meat pies with spiced peppers for Fonce. I still wanted to find things for Cana and also and Mezoo and a hundred other people but Pei jokingly remarked that his kaili was not as strong as I might need to carry it all back!

Pei stopped at a slavers stall, which seemed to me to be superfluous at the Love Wars but I suppose not everyone could fight for a woman. Some had to purchase. They were lovely women all chained in a coffle. Some of them were proud, I could tell but just as many were frightened and unsure, one was crying and sputtering in a language I did not know. The slaver was a slender man, tall and thin and sallow looking. He and Pei spoke of the crying girl; she had brightly colored yellow hair.

I still had to find dolls and fabrics and was discussing this with Lei when my attention was pulled back to the two men. The slaver had called me interesting to look at. They were looking at me! The slaver was .. studying.. Pei was grinning.

"She would do, does the child come with her?" Said the slaver.

"What are you willing trade me for them, Turian?" Said Pei.

".. excuse me?!" Said I. Lei growled at the man and I was already comsidering how long it woudl take for my quiva to reach his throat.

And that was when...

-Cliff hanger-

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