Friday, July 17, 2009

Waters new path

Yesterday was almost a simple day. I stayed close to the fires, to my wagon and near the Ubars. My song had been finished for what seemed like ages, two songs really because when I was nearly finsihed with one.. he went and changed the whole thing. I hope the surprise was not too evident on my face. I finished the second one and I am pleased with it. On top of that, I had an issue. I've grown used to waiting, the Ubar is a busy man. Too busy, I think.

I have heard what is going on with Cana and I heard the news of Ba'ater, who I never got to know very well. I tried twice to do.. something useful but Cana has more then enough friends and everything had been seen too. So for her too, I wait.. because the thing I can do best for her is just be here when she needs a gentle smile and a silent ear.

Yamka came to the fires last night and I smiled at her. She is being persecuted by a wicked bird and I listened quietly for a moment, my mind was a million miles away really. Tasco arrived and shouted my name to grab my attention. Which worked! Half the harriga must have heard that. At least he was laughing as he looked at me. So naturaly I said something silly and terribly.. unfunny.

'I was daydreaming of your little tuchuk babies."

Skies I did not mean OUR babies! I just meant babies, his.. one day. Yamka did not react which served to embaress me further but was entirely the proper thing to do. Tasco, on the other hand, was kind of .. angry with me. I owe that man a make up favor. I think I have been a little too wound up lately, there is more then I can contain going on up in my head, things I cannot yet admit even here.

"I am going for a walk by the stream." he declared and I only hesitated a moment.. mostly to give Yamka a chance to go with him. When she was quiet I asked if I could join him, he replied by telling me to hurry up already.

Yamka did not answer my be well, twice.

Tasco and I walked a ways in companionable silence and then, each of us quietly waded into the stream, though he went much father then I. It's fitting isn't it? I stayed close to the shore, where it was safe and he splashed his way to the middle. Only then did we begin to talk. It was a simple easy conversation about .. men and women and anger and jealousy. Tasco is not a man who tolerates much of that sort of thing and frankly niether do I. He showed me the scar a scorned woman gave him and I touched it. I touch too much, I know. He did not seem to mind.

I wonder if he realizes that this time it will not be him left with a scar?

Tasco and I are good friends and I hope it stays a strong fireldship between us. My heart is not as fickle as it may seem. I am simply.. practical and patient. Life goes on no matter what I want and I can only follow along, like water.. cutting my new paths slowly and lazily, though solid rock.

When we were finished talking of this I felt relieved in my decision to nurture our friendship. I hope others feel the same and continue to nurture thier friendships with him. He is a good man, no matter what he says. He is not looking for a woman right now, something we agreed on quickly but he admits.. one day.. he will have a dozen children. But that day, is not today.

We walked back to the fires talking easily and chuckling at the woman who had fed him supper tonight. Tasco will never want for a hot meal, there are at least two dozen women clamoring to cook for him. I am a little prideful to have been the first of the main fires. Well.. prospect, eternal, infernal prospect to the fires.

I really need to find the Ubar.

But first.. I am going to leave a gift for Yamka. On her top step a small glass jar with a yellow ribbon tied around it and a fistful of white daises tucked inside, beside it I left a small and delicate shell comb. It had been my mothers and I hoped she would like it. I lingered there a moment, wanting to speak to her but in the end I said nothing and made my way slowly back to my own wagon.

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